
... this site

This website is supposed to collect documentation of non-daily tasks, to serve as a dump for projects and as a place to possibly discuss ideas for new projects. Also, its a collection of sysadmin tricks and all those nifty open source projects that catch my eyes on the internet.

The major incentive for starting this site is my bad memory. I have forgotten more nice tricks and hints than I will ever remember to write down. Therefore, I was urged to start at some point.

Some articles might seem trivial and some topics may already be documented elsewhere. Yet, I still put them here so I don't have to search for them in case of recurring and future needs.

For direct contact you are warmly welcome to drop me a line at dirk@grosseosterhues.com.

... my background

A second reason is to have a place on the net where I can share my previous academic research work so that it won't go to waste and possibly help or inspire others. It follows in chronological order:






... my professional work

My moderate experience stems from my work in the following projects and companies: